Home » Parks » West Sussex » The Waterwise Playground

The Waterwise Playground, Worthing, West Sussex

The Waterwise Playground

A lovely children’s play area right on the beach. Plenty of sand play, climbing and swinging, it is surrounded by a low wooden fence and wall with gated entrance and exit. There is a general maratime theme to the playground equipment.

Ages most suitable for
5 to 12 year olds 5 to 12 year olds
Toddlers Toddlers
West Parade
West Sussex
BN11 5EH
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Exact coordinates
Longitude : -0.398743
Latitude : 50.8061
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Weather at this park now

Partly cloudy and a moderate breeze, High of , Low of

One thought on “The Waterwise Playground

  1. I’ve seen people come in here with dogs. The sign clearly says no dogs. these dog owners have put their dogs on leads thinking that is fine but that is not the point. No dogs means no dogs!!! Their dogs were barking for a start which is off putting for other people especially kiddies. Also the dogs would no doubt wee in this area which is a hygiene issue .

    I cannot take my 4 sons here as they’re ALL autistic and cannot help being scared of dogs. I’m quite sick of this new attitude that dog owners think their dogs are wonderful and assume the rest of us think that to and if we don’t then tough. Many also have their dogs not on leads when walking on their seafront. No! I know a lot of other mums and dads who won’t take their kids especially if they have Autism to this park.

    Some of us have challenged these owners and they was very rude to,us, telling us our kids should not be scared of dogs and that we should stay at home if we cannot handle their dogs! So rude. They literally put it all back into us. So entitled. Hello, we don’t have gardens or we have the right to play in a clean and safe place which is why we came to this play park.

    Can you have a patrol man or like a camera to tackle this issue please? I don’t think it’s fair that these selfish dog owners break the rule and then the rest of us suffer…


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