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Tackley Park, Tackley, Oxfordshire

(1 rating)

Tackley Park

The park was newly refurbished in 2014. It has a range of features including two baby swings, two normal swings, a nest swing, a spinning seat, seated roundabout, two slides (one dual), zip wire, a floor level trampoline, a really good climbing frame with a climbing wall…and various other things. Just by the park is a basketball court and playing fields. For parents, there is a lovely cafe and local shop.

There is parking right next to the park.

Suitable for all ages.

Ages most suitable for
5 to 12 year olds 5 to 12 year olds
Toddlers Toddlers
Medcroft Road
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Exact coordinates
Longitude : -1.303832
Latitude : 51.882902
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A clear sky and a gentle breeze, High of , Low of

One thought on “Tackley Park

  1. We love this park, it’s enclosed to less chance of escaping children, the know kids love it and there is lots of parking.


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