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South Park, Oxford, Oxfordshire

South Park

Big play area in a large city park. The play area is suitable for many ages and is often used by babies through to teenagers. Although it is next to a road (separated by very tall, metal fences), the playground is surrounded by numerous tall trees and is quite peaceful. There are two separate play areas for younger and older (8+) children, as well as an obstacle course, swings, skate ramps and a big roundabout. There is also lots of room to run around and picnic. The play area is fenced off from the rest of the park as the area is popular with dog walkers. The play area occasionally suffers from littering and graffiti but it seems to have improved in recent years.

Ages most suitable for
5 to 12 year olds 5 to 12 year olds
Teenagers Teenagers
Toddlers Toddlers
Morrell Avenue
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Exact coordinates
Longitude : -1.2249378791302736
Latitude : 51.750988528415846
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