Home » Parks » Yorkshire » Rowntree Park Playground

Rowntree Park Playground, York, Yorkshire

Rowntree Park Playground

Rowntree Park is a short walk from the city centre, situated on Terry Avenue by the River Ouse.

A short walk from the city centre, on the banks of the River Ouse, this 30-acre park has undergone a £1.8million refurbishment.

Along with the playground, there are many other things to enjoy. There is an easily accessible carpark (pay and display). There is a lovely cafe in the grounds of the park – the Rowntree Park Reading Cafe, which has a children’s corner with lots of books.

The park is located in the flood plain, so be aware that it does have to close from time to time. Bring your wellies and waterproofs and the equipment can be partially submerged!

The park was a gift to the City of York by Messrs Rowntree & Co. in 1921 and is a memorial to the Cocoa Works staff who fell and suffered during World War 1.

Ages most suitable for
5 to 12 year olds 5 to 12 year olds
Toddlers Toddlers
Terry Avenue
YO23 1JQ
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Exact coordinates
Longitude : -1.080253
Latitude : 53.950003
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A clear sky and a gentle breeze, High of -1°, Low of

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