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Queen Elizabeth Park playground, Farnborough, Hampshire

Queen Elizabeth Park playground

This park is probably better for bigger kids; the huge tunnel slide, climbing frame, climbing walls and the adventure playground are all brilliant for them. There is a small climbing frame but it has a net scramble which is too difficult for my 1-yr old. It has one bucket swing, but no individual swings. Queen Elizabeth Park itself is gorgeous, with lovely walks among glorious trees (for climbing!) and pretty woodland.

Ages most suitable for
5 to 12 year olds 5 to 12 year olds
Teenagers Teenagers
Toddlers Toddlers
Pierrefondes Ave
GU14 8PA
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Exact coordinates
Longitude : -0.760455
Latitude : 51.296849
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Weather at this park now

Sunny and a moderate breeze, High of , Low of

One thought on “Queen Elizabeth Park playground

  1. Unfortunately Esso are building a new pipeline through Queen Elizabeth park and they have had to remove the playground. I don’t know whether they plan to replace it, but I hope so. The woods are still available to walk through, if slightly smaller than before.


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