Home » Parks » Oxfordshire » Puddledock Playground Puddledock Playground, Ardington, Oxfordshire (Rate me!) Puddledock Playground Other parks and playgrounds nearby Franklin Park South Oxfordshire Adventure Playground Park equipment Balance beam Climbing Frame Gymnastic bar See-Saw Slide Swing Ages most suitable for 5 to 12 year olds Address High Street Ardington Oxfordshire OX12 8RA See more nearby Exact coordinates Longitude : -1.375943 Latitude : 51.593571 ///developer.asks.hockey Find this park with these three words Freeparks Admin 2015-08-13 16:29:42 2015-08-13 16:31:50 Other playgrounds, parks and play areas Playgrounds near Ardington Playgrounds in Oxfordshire Weather at this park now A clear sky and a gentle breeze, High of 0°, Low of 10° Can you help? Improve this park information