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Abbey Park Play Area, Evesham, Worcestershire

Abbey Park Play Area

Central to the town and originally the grounds to Evesham Abbey, this lovely park has plenty of open grassy areas, a lily pool, seating and picnic benches, children’s play area and splash park. The park also holds a variety of events throughout the year, including summer holiday activities, a hot air balloon festival, a river festival and a fishing festival. Brass bands sometimes play in the bandstand and boat trips run from the Park Quay in the summer.

In 2010 the old play area was completely renewed, the play park now includes a trampoline, a basket swing, an underground bank slide, a huge sand play area, climbing units and a wide slide. During the summer months, there are also water play fountains to enjoy, with a variety of fountains and sprays that are activated by pressure pads. The water play is switched on at 10am and off at 6pm each day during the summer.

Wychavon Council Site

Ages most suitable for
5 to 12 year olds 5 to 12 year olds
Toddlers Toddlers
Abbey Road
WR11 4ST
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Exact coordinates
Longitude : -1.945972
Latitude : 52.090503
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Partly cloudy and a gentle breeze, High of , Low of 10°

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